Circle of J.M.W. Turner (1775-1851) - Sun rising through vapour
This magnificent large watercolour depicts Turner's 1807 Royal Academy exhibition painting 'Sun rising through vapour; fishermen cleaning and selling fish'. The original oil painting is held today at the National Gallery in London.
According to Eric Shanes 'although its title does not state as much, on several occasions Turner would later make it evident that he thought on the scene as a Dutch one, and that it was consequently, populated by Dutch fishermen. However, we cannot be looking at a view on the North Sea coast of Holland for the sun never rises off that principally west-facing coastline. The pier on the right closely resembles the one at Margate that Turner had depicted in the oil painting he gave to Samuel Dobree in 1804.' [1] Interestingly, the smaller vessels are similar to the depictions by the Dutch marine painter Jan van de Cappelle (1626-1679) whilst the larger ship portrayed in the distance, is reminiscent of craft painted by Willem van de Velde the Younger.
Unfortunately, there is no signature or inscriptions on the watercolour linking it to any particular artist. The colouring is very similar to Turner's, which suggests that the artist had access to the original at some point. Our watercolour has clearly been painted by a competent hand and probably completed not long after Turner's painting was exhibited.
Medium: watercolour on paper, 38.7 x 53.3 cm, mounted.
Provenance: Bill Thompson (Albany Gallery).
[1] Eric Shanes, Young Mr Turner: The first forty years, 1775-1815, Yale University Press: China, p.297.